Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tiger Watch?!?

I feel so bad for Tiger Woods!! He has done so well keeping a good image and trying to keep his family out of the spotlight. Then, he gets in one little accident and all of the sudden he's reached Britney Spears/Lindsay Lohan status!!
One time, I turned right in front of Tim Rinks and totalled my car.
In Martin, TN.
Driving like 10 MPH.
No one accused me of being drunk or high and thank God the people of Martin didn't take the initiative to dig into my private life and blow old incidences way out of proportion!
I don't know why I turned!
I thought I could make it?
I wasn't paying attention?
I was too excited about going tanning with Lisa to wait for poor Tim to drive by?
I am always a fan of celebrities who make an effort to keep their private lives private. I read that the number of searches on the internet for poor Tiger's wife have increased over 2000% since the day of his wreck. Seriously?!? Don't people have their own lives to live??
In real life,
Ryan's football team, Beech High School, is playing in the 5A State Championships on Friday versus Columbia High School! Everyone say a little prayer for Ryan and Beech's football team!! GO BEECH!
I am also finished with the first half of my internship as of a week from Friday!! This semester really did fly by!!
Ryan and I had our typical 3 Thanksgiving's. The day of Thanksgiving. Our typical Thanksgiving includes Thanksgiving #1 at Ryan's mom's mom's house. This usually takes place around noon. Ryan gave me the same speech that he gives me every year, "Remember that the food at Grandma's isn't as good as the food at Nanny's so don't eat too much here." SO I had "appetizer" Thanksgiving there. Then we go to Ryan's dad's mom's house where the food is only better because it has a pound of butter and a half pound of lard in every dish. (Seriously, does Ryan KNOW that I am a Nutritionist?!?) Then we finally made our way to my poor mom's house. My poor mom, who spent 2 days cooking for Ryan, my brothers, and me and by the time we get there Ryan and I are too ridiculously full to even eat half a plate. I did make some very good Cranberry Almond Chocolate Chip Cookies in advance and (smartly) made Ryan promise to eat one the day before Thanksgiving. Otherwise, all of my hard work wouldn't have been touched after Mom's delicious meal.
For dressing this year, we ordered a full hotel pan from Jackson Madison County General Hospital in Jackson. They make AMAZING dressing and sell it every year and give all of the money to the American Cancer Society. I tried to explain to Mom that a full hotel pan was too much dressing, but she insisted that we would eat it all and, if not, we would eat it for leftovers. Therefore, I have eaten dressing for at least one meal a day since November 26th.